03.01 Friday Afterski

Welcome to Stavkroa Afterski. This is where you can secure your tickets for the 24/25 afterski season. Make sure you double-check the date you selected is the date you want to visit Stavkroa.
For special bookings and groups, visit https://www.stavkroa.com/group-bookings
When purchasing a ticket to Stavkroa, you always agree to our Terms & Conditions and Code of Conduct.
ID: 20
We will often come across as tougher than usual, but this is for everyone’s safety and to ensure the best time possible for you and your friends!
By purchasing a table/ticket, you agree to our rules of order:
- Stavkroa reserves the right to refuse entrance AND serving of alcohol, no matter the reason. Examples: disrespect towards our staff/other guests, excessively intoxicated, disorders, illegal drugs and violence
- Fake IDs will be taken and refusal of entry.
Everyone at Stavkroa is a superstar. By entering our venues, you understand, agree and acknowledge that your picture might been taken and used in our and our parties marketing. Check out our Terms & Conditios to learn more.
Disobeying or disagreeing with our rules, can result in a permanent ban from Stavkroa. If there is a violation of Norwegian law, then this will be reported to the police.
By purchasing a table/ticket you agree to all disclaimers, restrictions and terms of conditions.
Tickets/tables can’t be privately resold.
Eligible refunds of tickets:
- Cancelled event by organizer, with the exception of a Force Majerue situation before or during the event.
*The Norwegian Right of Cancellation Law( angrerettsloven) does not apply to the purchase of a ticket.